Frequently asked questions

Where is The Golden Gate Theatre located?

The Golden Gate Theatre is in San Francisco, California, United States. It’s based at the corner of 1 Taylor St. and Golden Gate Avenue, near Union Square.

Which BART station is The Golden Gate Theatre?

The closest BART station to the Golden Gate Theatre is Powell Street, some 1.5 blocks away. To find the theater, turn left and head west on Market Street.

Are there Broadway shows in San Francisco?

San Francisco is home to many Broadway shows, including those shown at The Golden Gate Theatre. The venue is owned by BroadwaySF, and has previously hosted productions such as Rent, Cabaret, and Stomp.

What is the difference between The Golden Gate Theatre and the Orpheum Theatre?

The Golden Gate Theatre and the Orpheum Theatre both belong to BroadwaySF. The Orpheum Theatre is slightly smaller, holding 2,197 patrons, and opened a little later in 1926. Both venues hold Broadway shows.

What is the dress code for the Golden Gate Theatre?

There is no specific dress code for The Golden Gate Theatre. Visitors are advised to dress appropriately for more formal shows such as plays.